The Cabin Clean Water Filter was designed to provide humanitarian relief in the aftermath of natural disasters caused by hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, tsunamis and the like. One of the first priorities in disaster relief is the provision of sufficient safe drinking water to the survivors - not just the first few days, but for weeks, months and in some instances years. This cannot be achieved with the delivery of bottled water or the use of high tech treatment systems only trained specialists can operate.
The provision of the Cabin Clean Water Filter to a family allows them to treat the water they need as they require it. Bottled water no longer needs to be delivered. The high tech treatment systems can go home - the community can't operate them anyhow - they are not a legacy. The Cabin Clean Water filters will remain a legacy for many years, long after initital recovery. The filters become part of their community development.
Filters can be stockpiled by relief agencies and organizations in anticipation of the inevitable. They can be ready.